You are currently viewing Hunter meshi from UHA Mikakuto, a hard gummy for Hunters

Ninja Meshi is maybe the hardest gummy in Japan

At the convenience stores in Japan, we sometimes bought the Ninja Meshi (Ninja food). The Ninja Meshi is apparently a very popular gummy for office workers. The gummies are very small but unbelievably hard.

Because the gummies are very small, they are hardly noticed by colleagues eating something at work. Furthermore, thanks to the hardness of the gummy, you can eat it for a long time.  Basically it is the perfect food for all of you Ninjas that work in the office. 

Gummies in Japan

Cororo, Kaju Gummy, Fettuccine gummy and more

Ninja Meshi x Monster Hunter = Hunter Meshi

Durning our last visit in Japan, we tried the new product “Hunter Meshi“, a collaboration with the popular game “Monster Hunter”. Honesty, we haven’t ever played this game, but this version is said to be good to recover from fatigue, because it is an energy drink flavour. Without thinking for long, we took it promptly, because we were exhausted during our travel.

The taste of this Hunter Meshi was just energy drink, hardly comparable to the flavours of the Ninja Meshi.

In order to write this article, we just looked at the information from UHA Mikakuto, who produces these gummies. Now, the hardest gummy from the Ninja Meshi series is on sale! According to the information, it can work to make your face smaller! Why are Japanese people always so desperate to have smaller faces…

Gummies in Japan

Cororo, Kaju Gummy, Fettuccine gummy and more