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Luxury accommodations of Hoshino Resort

It is amazing here, how you can know the quality of life and you can relax in the nature. Hoshinoya are the luxury accommodations of Hoshino Resort. Because of its good reputations many Japanese people have longed to stay here.

Hotels & Hot spring in Japan

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Feel nature in Karuizawa


Karuizawa in Nagano is a very famous summer resort. At Hoshinoya Karuizawa you can feel nature and Japanese hospitality.

Hot springs & Breakfast


Here you can spend your time so relaxed. For example taking a bath  in your cabin or in the large hot spring. 

Instead of watching things on your mobile phone, chill out and enjoy the view from the balcony. Various kinds of fresh vegetables and fish are in your breakfast. You can have a healthy start in your new day. After your stay at Hoshinoya your image of “luxury” would maybe have changed.

How to access to the Hoshinoya Karuizawa & how to book


From Tokyo to Karuizawa station you can take the Hokuriku Shinkansen “Kagayaki”.

From Karuizawa station by the shuttle bus of Hoshinoya (south gate of thestation) or taking a taxi 15 minutes, it takes ca. 1.5 h in total.

The best season to stay here is Summer because of the cool and pleasant temperature.  The average price for 2 people is 120,000 to 130.000 Yen. If you want to stay here for less money, you should avoid the most busy seasons and Japanese holidays  & weekends. It could be possible to book a room for  half the price in Winter, if you are lucky.


Are you going to travel with your Japan Rail Pass?

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