You are currently viewing Giant Caplico from Glico

Looks like an ice cream in a cone, but...

When we visited Japan in Summer, because of the heat, we had to give up bringing Japanese chocolates to our home country. But using the Rakuten Global Express, we can let many things be transported from Japan which are not available in Europe. Especially in Autumn and Winter, it is enough cool to transport chocolate from Japan.

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It is one of our child’s favourite sweets, the Giant Caplico from Glico.

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When it was opened,

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a thing which looks like an ice cream in a cone, came out.

The pink part is airy chocolate with strawberry flavour. When you bite it, the milk chocolate gets exposed. 

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Because it contains so much air, it has not so many calories (ca.200 kcal).

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Sweets in Japan

You can find more information and our advices here!

How to open a Caplico

After eating up it, we found the official website of Caplico from Glico

The package of Caplico was designed for kids to have much more fun before eating their Caplico.

You can watch the video about how to open a Caplico the fun way.

We are not sure if this opening technique is that much more fun for kids… 


Popin' Cookin' products

You can find more information and our advices here!